Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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Brandon: what happened to Violet Blue's MeTa thread?

Please create a MeTa for that and cease derailing this one. I'm up for a little bit, so it should go through. Yes, people may think it's ridiculous, to create a MeTa about why another MeTa wasn't published, but folks need to stop derailing this post.

I'm up for a while longer, so will send it through.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 25 at 7:17 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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I did consider making a MeTa post that was literally just "who is in charge here"

Slight update to the General Info FAQ which clarifies the position of the Interim Board (IB) members, and clarifies that loup is in a position over all the moderators.

But for quick reference, here's the Board info:
Rhaomi: President
1Adam12: Treasurer
Gorgik: Secretary
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 25 at 5:35 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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Violet Blue, you're derailing this thread, please stop doing that.

There's a consistent pattern of behavior here where you post a thread on the front page, people have disagreements with you about the subject and then you try to police the thread. When told to stop you begin accusing people of organizing against you and/or contacting the mods to get their comments taken down.

The I/P subject is a complex one with lots of sides and emotions. It is recommended that you stop trying to argue with every single person who disagrees you. It is recommended that you stop accusing others of working in some organized fashion against you. People simply disagree with your take on things and that's perfectly fine.

Please stop posting comments in this thread. If you don't, we'll have to start removing your comments and/or issue temporary bans of increasing length, so please stop.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 25 at 5:31 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Mod note on 'Goblin Camp Returns'
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Fixed that link!
Mod Comment by goodnewsfortheinsane on Mar. 25 at 6:05 AM to MetaFilter post Goblin Camp Returns

Mod note on 'β€œConversion therapy with a side of ranch”'
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[Hey, this was an unexpected delight, thank you for sharing it with us! We've added it to the sidebar and Best Of blog! ]
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 25 at 5:01 AM to MetaFilter post β€œConversion therapy with a side of ranch”

Mod note on 'Ain't No Place to Run To'
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Thanks for sharing these links by making this post! We added it to the sidebar and Best Of blog!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 25 at 4:58 AM to MetaFilter post Ain't No Place to Run To

Mod note on 'Free Lewelyn Dixon'
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Fixed reedbird_hill's comment above as requested.
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 24 at 2:01 PM to MetaFilter post Free Lewelyn Dixon

Mod note on 'A moderation log, general info page, and site update note'
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Oops, in trying to favorite warriorqueen's comment, I accidently removed it, for about 5-10 seconds. My apologies!

Mod note on 'A moderation log, general info page, and site update note'
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Hey, it's Brandon again, going to respond to questions about the simple mod log by first explaining how it came to be:

Me: hey, we should do the mod log that members have been asking for
Management (MM): we don't really have the resources to do that
Me: well, members are distrustful, so it would be good to show them that there isn't anything weird going on.
MM: yeah, but we don't have the resources

This occurs a few times until I the internal tracker we used is kinda like a log.

Me: Hey this tracker we use kinda works like a mod log, can we repurpose that to be a mod log? That way we're not starting from scratch and just adjusting a few things.
MM: ok, we can do that.

Some time passes due to frimble getting in an accident and being unable to work for a bit, then the transition happens and other things are made priority, coding wise.

Me: soooo, about the mod log?
MM: yep, we're finishing it up, here's an admin only look at it for now. we're not going to flesh it out, as resources are focused on developing the new site.

Me: hey members, here's a simple moderation log (SML)!
Members: Ok, cool, but why isn't this more full featured?!
Me: Focusing resources on new site.

Me thinking to myself: This could be more full featured and a lot of members will be disappointed and want more, which makes total sense, but this is at least at start and we can go from there.

For the record, I'm 100% behind doing a full featured moderation log. The one at has been mentioned a few times and I think that's a great goal to shoot for, with a few MeFi tweaks.

...but I do wonder why the log isn’t an archive...

Why only 50 comments and why only the last 7 days?

Unknown, my guess is that it was the simplest or easiest thing to do or queries the database the least, but I honestly don't know. Have posted that question on the Slack.

Mod note on 'A moderation log, general info page, and site update note'
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The info page needs to clarify what the years mean by someone's name.

Done and have added the link to the functional spec to that page.

I'm taking stakeholder in this instance to apply specifically to just that document, i.e. people who can go in to edit and manage it and be responsible for coordinating with kirkaracha about what feature list is and what order said features are implemented.

Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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This page says loup does management and Brandon does communications.

Yep and loup reports to the board, which is currently the Interim Board. All the mods and developers have access to their Slack channel and can bring things up to them.

Creatrixtiara, if there's something in particular you think the staff should do or being in terms of the BiPOC, I'd recommend asking for that thing to be done publicly, like here in this thread. If there's specific tasks you think the Board needs done and you think a mod can assist with, just shoot us an email or make a MeTa with the ask

General purpose goals or discussion might better formal meetings, but that's y'all's call. The bottom line is that staff can and is willing to help, it's just a matter of defining that sort of help the BIPOC board wants
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 22 at 10:43 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Mod note on 'Two Hundred Fifty Things An Architect Should Know'
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So much to know, so much to share, so it's been added to the sidebar and Best Of Blog!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 22 at 1:18 PM to MetaFilter post Two Hundred Fifty Things An Architect Should Know

Mod note on 'You're ok with the boss talking about erections at work, right?'
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Another comment removed that was just repost of a previous comment of theirs, evidently in protest of the now deleted comment that was just a repost of another comment that was reproduced seemingly in protest of a comment they thought was deleted but was not. Knock it off y'all.

Mod note on 'β€œFor that money, we could buy up TV stations...not just TV ads."'
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Posted edited to remove the click tracking link and replace with just the destination URL.

Mod note on 'You're ok with the boss talking about erections at work, right?'
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One comment removed because it was a repost of another comment which the poster thought was deleted, but wasn't.

Mod note on 'Moderation Log'
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A bare bones moderation log has been released, here's the thread announcing and discussing it.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 21 at 5:22 PM to MetaTalk post Moderation Log

Mod note on 'Reacher: L.A. Story'
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Post corrected to be in Season 3, not 2, based on a flag.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 21 at 5:07 PM to FanFare post Reacher: L.A. Story

Mod note on 'You're ok with the boss talking about erections at work, right?'
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DeepSeaHaggis, the site custom is to skip past threads you don't like or that you find triggering. If you choose to engage with such a thread, at least be thoughtful and constructive. Posting comments in all caps that focus on how much you dislike the subject of the is not that. So please avoid the this thread from this point on and remove it from your recent activity. If you do return here and continue as you have, we'll move on to site bans of increasing length if you continue. No comments have been removed and a link to this note have been MeFiMailed to DeepSeaHaggis

Mod note on 'Liqueurs: where flavor and finesse meet in every sip'
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Cheers to ashbury for making a post so delicious we just had to put it on the sidebar and Best Of blog!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 21 at 3:39 PM to MetaFilter post Liqueurs: where flavor and finesse meet in every sip

Mod note on 'Home-made ramen seasoning - caveat, must be easy'
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One duplicate comment removed.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 21 at 2:49 PM to Ask MetaFilter post Home-made ramen seasoning - caveat, must be easy

Mod note on 'A moderation log, general info page, and site update note'
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[So is it now a policy that mods should always leave a comment when they delete? People were asking for that for a while, it's great if that's true.

Yes, it is policy that a mod should always leave an official note when something is removed. If you see it not happening, please point that out by email at least!

Yes, some of us were a bit forgetful when we started doing that, but at this point it should be happening as the default, no exceptions. If it isn't, please report it!

(makes mental note to update FAQ entries that mention deleting by this evening)

Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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There is a list of staff and committees...

That's the page I mentioned a few comments ago and since it's publicly visible now, just gonna leave it so. Was waiting for confirmation on who is currently on the BiPOC committee, which I got about 30 minutes ago.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 20 at 4:06 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Mod note on 'Let's talk about the BIPOC board.'
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I'm thinking the idea of having one page with all the committees, the elections, the boards.

I am working today on a General Information page that does things like this, it'll be mentioned in the Site Update, which is running a little late (should have been posted this week but waiting on some information)

The site update should happen by Wednesday of next week at the very latest. If it doesn't, mods will make a post a MeTa explaining the delay.]
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 20 at 3:44 PM to MetaTalk post Let's talk about the BIPOC board.

Deleted mefi post 'History Professor Answers Dictator Questions'
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MetaFilter post History Professor Answers Dictator Questions deleted. Double.
Deleted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 19 at 4:52 PM.

Mod note on 'Time to remove Facebook social sharing?'
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If it's not easy to add new ones right now, so be it. Mods?

You're correct, it's not easy to add new ones right now and we're more or less just leaving that sidebar as is as we work on the new site. While it hasn't been decided on whether we'll have sharing links sidebar on the new site. If we do, it's safe to say that FB won't be on it.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 19 at 4:47 PM to MetaTalk post Time to remove Facebook social sharing?

Mod note on 'What's the coolest thing on eBay right now?'
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One comment removed for not answering the question.

While it's great that people are sharing things inspired by the OP's question, please remember that Ask MetaFilter is about people helping people, aka answering the question the OP has asked. There are strict guidelines about keeping answers limited to what was asked, so keep your answers focused on helping the OP, thanks!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 19 at 4:40 PM to Ask MetaFilter post What's the coolest thing on eBay right now?

Mod note on 'Unintentional legalization of gay marriage when one partner is trans?'
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Changed a link in the question to "cis woman and a trans woman" as noted above.
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 19 at 9:20 AM to Ask MetaFilter post Unintentional legalization of gay marriage when one partner is trans?

Mod note on '"I'm the Canadian who was detained by ICE for two weeks."'
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One comment deleted. Please avoid heavily editing your comments.
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 19 at 7:33 AM to MetaFilter post "I'm the Canadian who was detained by ICE for two weeks."

Mod note on 'Oh yeah, gonna send this one to the wife'
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This was so much damn fun, how could we not add it to the sidebar and Best Of blog?!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 19 at 2:39 AM to MetaFilter post Oh yeah, gonna send this one to the wife

Mod note on 'Of Dandelions and Palestine'
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One comment removed. Calling everyone who believes in a certain point of view "murderers and complicit" reduces the discussion to an emotional argument that no side can ever rise above or get past. Disagreement is fine and welcomed on MetaFilter. Heading for the extremes is not. Let's try and find ways to disagree that don't paint the other as mortal enemies.
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 18 at 7:13 PM to MetaFilter post Of Dandelions and Palestine

Mod note on 'Movie: The House'
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Ok have updated things to the correct movie, thanks all for pointing it out!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 18 at 5:27 PM to FanFare post Movie: The House

Mod note on 'The White Lotus: Hide or Seek'
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One comment deleted. No need to correct someone’s grammar.
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 18 at 9:45 AM to FanFare post The White Lotus: Hide or Seek

Mod note on 'If you want peace, prepare for DOGE'
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Tagged as USPolitics
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 18 at 8:39 AM to MetaFilter post If you want peace, prepare for DOGE

Mod note on 'Where should I get my US political news from?'
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Thanks for asking this, it's a really good question these days! We've added it to the sidebar and Best Of blog!
Mod Comment by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 18 at 7:30 AM to Ask MetaFilter post Where should I get my US political news from?

Mod note on 'Questions for The Dating Game'
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Two removed: please stick to answering the question.
Mod Comment by goodnewsfortheinsane on Mar. 18 at 5:32 AM to Ask MetaFilter post Questions for The Dating Game

Deleted mefi post 'Naughty Bunny'
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MetaFilter post Naughty Bunny deleted. Test deletion of FanFare post, does the reason appear in the log?!
Deleted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 18 at 5:00 AM.

Deleted mefi post 'Discover royalty-free photos.'
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MetaFilter post Discover royalty-free photos. deleted. Spam.
Deleted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 17 at 9:25 PM.

Mod note on 'Of Dandelions and Palestine'
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A few comments deleted. Please allow others to express themselves. Let's avoid personal attacks. While it is OK to disagree, allow others to speak about their experience and keep the conversation on topic. Avoid turning the conversation into a discussion with specific people. If you see something that you find offensive or inappropriate, feel free to flag it for our moderators to review it and engage with the content of the post instead.
Mod Comment by loup on Mar. 17 at 2:58 PM to MetaFilter post Of Dandelions and Palestine

Deleted mefi post 'Test, please ignore'
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MetaFilter post Test, please ignore deleted. Deletion reason from test post on MeFI, does it appear in log?
Deleted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar. 17 at 9:50 AM.

Mod note on 'Have I been a bad friend ? # BOUNDARIES'
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One deleted. Please keep in mind that back-and-forth chatting with users is discouraged. Post your question, provide one or two comments providing additional context (if needed) and please allow the community to answer the question!
Mod Comment by travelingthyme on Mar. 17 at 7:10 AM to Ask MetaFilter post Have I been a bad friend ? # BOUNDARIES